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Seven practices that Chinese people do to maintain their physical and mental youth throughout their lives

1. They take into account the Chinese biological clock.

Naturally, it's critical to pay close attention to what you eat, but the Chinese body clock also stresses the importance of when you eat. For instance, warm, wet meals are preferable to anything overly rich, salty, or sweet for breakfast. This meal should be consumed between 9 and 11 in the morning.

The best time to have lunch is between 11 and 1 p.m. It should include hot, sour, and spicy meals as well as healthy grains. Dinner needs to be served between 5 and 7 o'clock. Since the kidneys are working hard at this time, you should eat healthy, light foods that are fresh. Fish and roasted meats are OK at this time.

2. They make use of cordyceps.

The fungus called cordyceps has a unique history of use in Chinese medicine. By activating cells and chemicals that kill cancer cells and reduce tumor size, it may enhance immunity. Natural cordyceps are extremely difficult to obtain these days, thus it is made in laboratories. Additionally, it is used in the treatment of liver and renal issues.

3. In chilly water, they swim.

Despite being 50 years old, well-known Chinese blogger Liu Yelin is known for still having a youthful appearance. She advises daily exercise in addition to swimming in cold water, stating, "I swim in the lake and do weight training every day. Swimming outside in the cold is my favorite activity. It's a test of my resolve and tenacity. To accomplish it, I frequently had to force myself.

4. They relate sports and qi gong.

Qi Gong, which includes meditation, is a fantastic way to supplement your workouts and increase your performance. You experience less stress as a result of it helping to balance your body and mind. Your attitude, sleep, and appearance will all improve as you feel better. Athletes can also utilize it to recover more quickly from injuries.

5. They make use of four necessary plants.

To maintain their bodies' health, the Chinese employ herbs. These herbs aid in obtaining the minerals we require and may also have a detoxifying impact. These are the four necessary herbs:

  • Ginseng functions as an adaptogen and aids in the body's response to stress.
  • As you become older, Huang Qi guards your body's immune system.
  • Lingzhi promotes healthy aging, cognitive improvement, and energy production.
  • Goji berries act as an antioxidant to reduce stress-inducing free radicals and other particles.

6. They reside in neighborhoods.

Relationships with family, friends and the community are valued. Elderly parents hardly ever enter nursing facilities since multigenerational families frequently reside together: "They frequently have morning tea every day. Dim sum is often eaten at least once a week when people live separately.

7. Having children in one's later years

It was discovered that in one Chinese hamlet where people often live long lives, women frequently give birth to their first child around the age of 27, and the final child is typically delivered at approximately 42 or 43. Additionally, they eat more veggies and less protein.


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