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Six tips for surviving life successfully on a daily basis

1. Using chia seeds to help you defecate

Chia seeds are used in traditional medicine to improve bowel motions and alleviate constipation. They include a range of insoluble fibers that help the feces soften and become easier to pass.

The formula is as follows: stir up a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of chia seeds. After a short while, filter the beverage and then savor it!

2. How to defecate with colonic massage

Perform a colonic massage to energize your intestines to advance this trick. Move from right to left in a cross-over motion, beneath the ribs, down to the lower left side of the belly, and then finish with an inward motion into the center of the lower abdomen. It should be said three to five times.

3. Quick methods for sleeping

You might wish to try the next technique during a restless night. The military technique is a quick and efficient strategy to aid in falling asleep. Simply lying down, unwinding your body, and paying attention to your breath constitute the technique. Additionally, it guarantees that you'll nod out in less than 120 seconds.

This is how it goes:

  • Your jawline, cheekbones, and the rest of your face should all be relaxed.
  • Try to relax your chest, legs, thighs, and calves as you exhale.
  • Try not to think and picture a serene place.

4. How to avoid inappropriate laughter

Laughter is a typical response to an amusing situation. These tricks are for you, though, if you frequently find yourself laughing when it's inappropriate or in situations where you need to be acting more maturely.

The first action is to pinch yourself. Because it will bring you back to reality while diverting your focus from the humorous scenario, this technique works effectively to prevent laughing.

Applying reverse psychology, telling oneself to laugh more forcefully and loudly is the next stage. This approach hack works because the prohibited nature of laughing at inappropriate times is another factor that makes it enticing. Therefore, removing it makes the scenario less amusing.

5. Quick techniques for mood modification

Anger is a typical human emotion that is brought on by a variety of circumstances. Understanding how to handle your anger while you're furious can help you keep it under control rather than letting it rule you.

One of the simplest strategies for managing anger is to keep your voice under check. Speaking softly makes you feel instantly calmed, which stops the anger from growing and the circumstance from getting worse. Even if you're talking to yourself, the key is to attempt to sound as soothing as Oprah Winfrey or another famous person.

6. How to make coffee without adding sugar or sweets

One of the most consumed beverages worldwide is coffee. This trick can work for you if you enjoy caffeine but detest the flavor of sugar-free coffee. Try substituting salt for sugar, despite the odd seeming suggestion.

This technique, according to coffee connoisseurs, may improve flavor and minimize bitterness without the use of extra additions.


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